
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond carbon dioxide - technologies to address methane and nitrous oxide emissions

29.05.2024 Seminaria NST
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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond carbon dioxide - technologies to address methane and nitrous oxide emissions

Professor Wilfried Winiwarter

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering
University of Zielona Góra
środa 26.06.2024, godz. 16:00-17:45 (sala 34, budynek A-2)


Biographical note:
Wilfried Winiwarter graduated as a chemical engineer from Vienna University of Technology, Austria. His PhD and postdoctoral qualification (Habilitation) in Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry, respectively, were awarded by the same university. While much of his career he worked in research institutions (Austrian Institute of Technology, AIT, and International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA) he also served as a professor for Systems Sciences at the University of Graz, before he joined the University of Zielona Góra in 2017. In both instances he maintained an affiliation with IIASA, where he still is a Senior Research Scholar.
Prof. Winiwarter specializes in global biogeochemical cycles, with a specific focus on nitrogen and the release of trace gases to the atmosphere. He was director of the European Center of the International Nitrogen Initiative and coordinated INI’s collaboration with the Global Carbon Project, he is co-chair of the Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets operating under the UN-ECE, and member of the project management board of the globally-oriented INMS project. Recently he was awarded the International Fellowship PIFI by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. For the University of Zielona Góra, he leads the MELS and the MilKey projects, funded under an ERANET joint call.


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