
Civil Engineering and Transport of the 21st century

14.06.2021 E&T seminars

Civil Engineering and Transport of the 21st century

prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Wysokowski

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
poniedziałek 14.06.2021, godz.15:30 (zdalnie, G-Suite; Google Meet)

Speaker's biographical note:

Prof. ADAM WYSOKOWSKI - Head of Road Bridge and Railway Department on the University of
Zielona Góra Poland (the Department was established by him in 2004).

Specialized in transport infrastructure, their fatigue and durability, their maintenance and
retrofitting, implementation of new technologies, reinforcement and renovation of existing
structures, also passages for animals and culverts. Hes involved in implementation projects of no-dig
trenchless technologies in road and railway transport infrastructure such as CIPP technology.

While working at the Road and Bridges Research Institute for over 20 years he provided many testing
of modern civil engineering structures in naturalscale, among others the buried flexible structures.
He has also implemented new methods of concrete testing, and many new materials and
technologies in road and bridge structures especially:

protection waterproofing and expansion joints,

repair and reinforcing of concrete,

equipment of bridges and roads,

drainage systems,

buried flexible structures such as culverts, etc.

On this base is co-author of Polish recommendations and specifications for those structure and

Adam Wysokowski was also the main coordinator of the Polish Bridge Management System (BMS) -
including system of inspection and maintenance of bridges. Was a lecturer in dozens of trainings for
Polish and foreign Administration.

He was for many years an expert of EU FP in Surface Transport. Currently is an expert in Horizon

Member of many technical organization among others - Polish: PZITB, ZMRP, SITK, International:
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE), Structural Engineering Institute (SEI).